Sunday, June 21, 2009

Major Payne

Im pretty sure I overworked myself yesterday. Trying to get this house ready to move is a pain in the butt! I've spent 2 days now just in my room, going through clothes, my clothes, hubbys clothes, boys clothes, baby clothes, geesh! We have to many clothes! I am so ready to get back to Oklahoma. It is so miserable down here. Our AC doesn't work right, it gets up about 80 in the house on the really hot days. Who in the world can work in this type of enviroment?!? I know I sure can't. Anyways, apparently no news today about anything. Hopefully I will hear something soon. My anxiety meds arent really keeping me too sane!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Day the Earth Stood Still

June 5, 2009, 3 days post op from having a tumor removed from my leg. As some of you know, the 3rd day after surgery is always the worst, so I medicated myself and slept through it. I woke up around 7pm to find my mother sitting in her recliner. She told me that as soon as I was fully awake there was something she needed to talk to me about. Of course, being me, the impatient one, I told her to go ahead and spit it out. She told me that the surgeon had called while I was asleep, the pathology report has come back on my tumor. It was Sarcoma. At first, I don't think it penetrated my brain. Cancer? How in the world could I have cancer? Im only 25 years old, I have a husband and 4 kids, theres no way in hell I had cancer. Immediately following the denial was the fear of not having the funds to treat myself. Of all the things to worry about at the moment, I was worrying about money!

So here I sit, 2 weeks and one day after finding out, still in shock. We are waiting on the final report to come back from MD Anderson until then, I guess I am to just sit and wait, again not my favorite thing in the world to do.

When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.--Pauline R. Kezer

Reason for this blog

I am starting this blog to have somewhere I can document all my feelings and daily activity as I begin my battle against cancer. Feel free to bookmark me if you'd like to walk with me in my journey.